How To Pick Fruit

My Fruit Advice – Strawberry – Tip: Ripe & Sweet: look for Red on top near green stem Unripe: top near green stem is kinda white Fact: Strawberry don’t ripe after picked Watermelon – Tip: Ripe & Sweet: flick finger at watermelon, if it sound good = Sweet Tip 2: i use less, but see…

My Fruit Advice –

Tip: Ripe & Sweet: look for Red on top near green stem
Unripe: top near green stem is kinda white
Fact: Strawberry don’t ripe after picked

Tip: Ripe & Sweet: flick finger at watermelon, if it sound good = Sweet
Tip 2: i use less, but see is: people look for ugly ones, that has scars

Tip: cloudy ones means it ripe

Dole ® Banana #4011. Costa Rica 0651 – Good
Tip: I noticed Some # has bad quality taste of Banana
Some look the same, but its not. Inside taste weird, or taste like bad raw banana yogurt.

Black Berry – 4.5 Star
Pros: larger ones taste sweet
Cons: smaller ones taste more sour

Raspberry – 3.5 Star
Pros: decent if eat less
Cons: more sour than sweet

Milk –
Pros: Neutralize sour fruit. & make sweet fruit taste better

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