__________________________________________________________________________________________ Cyan on Blue –  A cyan spotlight on a blue ring means that Alexa is listening. The light ring glimmers briefly when Alexa has heard & is processing your request.  A BRIEFLY glimmering BLUE LIGHT might also mean device is receiving a SOFTWARE UPDATE _____________________________________________ Red – solid red light: means microphone Off, & Alexa…


Cyan on Blue – 

A cyan spotlight on a blue ring means that Alexa is listening.

The light ring glimmers briefly when Alexa has heard & is processing your request. 

A BRIEFLY glimmering BLUE LIGHT might also mean device is receiving a SOFTWARE UPDATE


Red – solid red light: means microphone Off, & Alexa is NOT listening. 


Spinning Cyan – 

Slowly spinning teal & blue means that your device is starting up. 

If device has not been set up, Light turns to orange when device is ready for setup.


Orange – 

Circling orange light. 

device is in setup mode, or is trying to connect to Internet. 


Purple – 

Do Not Disturb feature is on light briefly shows purple after you make any request.

During initial device setup, purple shows if there are Wi-Fi issues.


White – 

When you adjust device volume, white lights show the volume levels.

A spinning white light means Alexa Guard is turned on & in Away mode. Return Alexa to Home mode in Alexa app.


Yellow – 

A slow yellow burst, every few seconds, 

means that Alexa has a message or notification, or there’s a reminder you missed. 

Say, “What are my notifications?” or “What are my messages?”

Green – 

Pulsing green light means that you’re receiving a call on device.

If green light is spinning, then your device is on an active call or an active Drop In.

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