Best Wart Remover That are Actually Effective Top 3

3 Top Choices of Wart Remover – (Personally Used for stubborn Warts) Choice 1 – Bazuka Extra Strength 6G Pros: 26% salicylic acid, not enough to burn Cons: takes time, but most effective for over counter, MUST CHECK EXPIRE DATE, or it won’t be effective. Choice 2 – Super Chistotel chistotelo 3ml Wart Treatment…

3 Top Choices of Wart Remover – (Personally Used for stubborn Warts)

Choice 1 –

Bazuka Extra Strength 6G

Pros: 26% salicylic acid, not enough to burn

Cons: takes time, but most effective for over counter, MUST CHECK EXPIRE DATE, or it won’t be effective.

Choice 2 –

Super Chistotel chistotelo 3ml Wart Treatment papillomas, Warts Remover
or name:

My Steps: Cut wart skin off with nail clippers as much skin as possible, clean and dry. Then place cream on wart. It burn like Mad if you cut enough skin. If it don’t burn, then u must add more or cut off more skin.

Reason of Choice: its effective, but you must follow the steps.

Manual Steps:

Please follow simple instructions for the best effect:

    1. Apply cream directly to your wart. (before applying, rub any hand or foot cream around your wart in order to make your good skin safe)
    1. Use a very small amount (be careful to avoid contact with healthy skin as it may burn). For application to the genital area be super-careful: possibly try out in
      another area to see how your skin reacts. Better not to use it on your face, and it’s not allowed to use it anywhere near eyes.
  1. After application avoid contact for 15 minutes and no need to wash off.

Choice 3 –

Compound W Maximum Strength Fast Acting Gel Wart Remover, 0.25 oz

Pros: can remove them, but takes nonstop 1 years+

Cons: Only 17% Salicylic Acid

Choice 4 – other Brands or other Products, I don’t need Comment, since it doesn’t work for myself or I don’t recommend


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