Best Site to Download Chinese Novel Txt to Google Translate

Look no further, These are Sites I mostly use to download Raw Chinese Text and then google translate for MTl Novels If u want to find Txt of latest Raw Chinese Novel Update. These can have 99% of results you need. No need to scouring the google search, bing search, Baidu searches for Raw Chinese…

Look no further, These are Sites I mostly use to download Raw Chinese Text and then google translate for MTl Novels

If u want to find Txt of latest Raw Chinese Novel Update.

These can have 99% of results you need.

No need to scouring the google search, bing search, Baidu searches for Raw Chinese Text Sites. It been so many years, so i put it in one page for all to see. – cleanest text, and is one i mostly use, It has Source similar to 69shu to Qidian or QQ – read how many updated chapters on this site, then click Collection Download = it leads to downnovel – use it if i don’t have other options, not always up to date – pretty clean text – it source raw more like of Faloo, not Qidian – it source has Qidian, but not most complete – Qidian sources mostly – Qidian sources mostly, Good for Old Novels, – mostly use less, but has txt raws – it source raw more like of Faloo, not Qidian – it source raw more like of Faloo, not Qidian – it source raw more like of Faloo, not Qidian – it source raw more like of Faloo, not Qidian – source if out of options, sometimes i find this source raws are not very good, not cleanest. – txt raw source

Below Are Ones i Use Very Less on My List – Its Mostly Old Novels, or Novel unfindable on Above, i check below

Read my Other Article if you want to know what site i use to crawl Chinese Raw Novel, if all above Options are not finding that specific Chinese novel.

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